Transparent privacy-ready mobile DSP

Dataseat helps brands, apps and games drive programmatic success in today’s privacy-centric ad landscape.


iOS performance with and without IDFA

Bidding algorithms powered by privacy-compliant signals fully aligned with Apple iOS privacy measures.


Full support of AdAttributionKit and SKAN

Confidently transition to AdAttributionKit/SKAN for mobile UA with Dataseat. As trailblazers in IDFA-less advertising, Dataseat has a track record of driving exceptional success for clients’ campaigns using Apple’s privacy framework.


Trusted by the world’s leading brands, apps,
agencies and holdcos

Some of our clients:

Dataseat's promise to advertisers

Full visibility of programmatic

Access all of your data, without limits, at any level – from bids to sales

Custom bidding algorithms

Train your own machine learning models, exclusive to your apps, and customisable by you


Unlike a traditional DSP, Dataseat puts you fully in control of your data and bidding logic.

Cost effective

We keep things simple with a flat rate on your media spend, with no hidden costs.

User acquisition on iOS and Android

Get effective user acquisition solutions for audiences with and without identifiers. Grow your app with users who will actively engage and bring value.

Once your campaign is live, Dataseat explores traffic and learns where to find the highest-value users.


Make the most of your first-party data with Dataseat Retargeting.

Segment and customize your audience as you wish, and target them with the right message. We work with you to build and maintain private, proprietary machine-learning models to boost performance based on your specific goals.

AdKit and SKAN campaigns

Dataseat are experts in privacy-first, ID(FA) – less advertising.

We fully support AdAttributionKit and SKAdNetwork and help clients maximize and interpret AdKit/SKAN data to reach campaign KPIs.

Verticals and clients

Performance brands

Driving app installs, orders, subscriptions, and repeat purchases for brands that rely on app performance.


Trusted partner to drive performance and brand KPIs for agencies’ clients, and support with our privacy expertise

Non-gaming apps

Powering growth for non-games: from user acquisition to re-engagement and maximizing post-install conversions (subscription, iAP).


Established growth expert for games: driving engaged, quality players for maximum ROAS and user LTV.

Dataseat is the mobile DSP of choice for
top businesses across verticals:

  • Entertainment/music/streaming
  • Gaming
  • Finance
  • QSR and food delivery
  • Retail and eCommerce
  • Social media
  • Travel
  • and more…

The pipes to access the world's largest in-app exchanges

Our partners